VNV Nation Memes & Parodies (The Best OF)

Σαν γνωστός μεγάλος και παλιός fan των VNV Nation, δεν θα μπορούσα να μην παρακολουθώ και τα VNV Parodies (memes κτλ) που κυκλοφορούν, μερικά είναι αρκετά καλά.

Πρώτη και καλύτερη ήταν η σελίδα από το Unciclopedia, (κάτι σαν διεθνές frikipedia), αν και το άρθρο για τους VNV έχει κατεβεί, έψαξα και το βρήκα, μαζί και μερικές απ’ τις φωτογραφίες του, και έχω προσθέσει και μερικές extra.


Unciclopedia – VNV Nation:

VNV Nation is an ex-polynesian nation, hunted from its homeland and Watching its Empires Burn at 768 BC. To this day, the people Praise The Fallen of this event, even though they are scattered around the world listening to Industrial Music.


Rumours say that apocalyptic events will take place in 2012 AC. In this year, His Majesty Ronan Harris and His Cavalier Mark Jackson will take Matter+Form and will bring the people of VNV Nation back to its homelands.

There is only one choice… Advance and Follow them to their victory…


The Holy Scripture (words)

According to the myth, Ronan Harris will issue 3 commands:

1) “Let There Be Light” (wrongly attributed to God)

2) “Thou shall not dress like a Vampire” (Athinaion VII34 ). Actually most of the VNV Nation completely ignore this command. Ronan will show them the way “We are Industrial, not Goth”, but this doesn’t clarify the things: the average person of this Nation doesn’t know what’s a Merzbow and is in fact a Raver, dressed like a Goth, which creates serious identity problems.

3) “I am not your God” “I am not your answer, please don’t follow me” . Well… Nobody takes him for serious here.



The History

1204 BC – The VNV Nation is formed. It was quite Cold during the celebration day, but they put a fire. Afterfire they slept.

678 BC (I am sure it’s different on top) – the VNV nation leave their homeland and follow their Saviour to spread the VNV-message across the world.

0 – As recorded in the book of ‘Genesis’ the prophets have said “A God of love, a God of care a God of hope a God of Words/ a God as lost as you and blah blah blah….”

814 AC – His Majesty Ronan Harris adopts Anthem as the official national Anthem of the VNV Nation

1281 AC – A Legion of Electronauts led by Serial Killer Amhran Comhrac wages war with the VNV Nation. His Cavalier Mark Jackson fortifies his troops across the Rubicon. Amhran Comhrac’s Legion retreats after splintering into Fragments, but not before plundering Honour from the VNV Nation.

2003 AC – Honour was restored to the VNV Nation

2012 AC – Ronan Harris leads VNV Nation Homeward, back to its Forsaken land

2034 AC – Ronan Harris becomes the new Pope

The Name

It’s almost forgotten what VNV stands for. Common suggestions are:

Vandh No Vissi (historical bards like cacofwnix from asterix whom have an eternal batle so this is the vnvs original creation as Knights in this eternal strugle)

Vaticans No Vilains (vandh no vissi has some conection as the vissi is heard as a lich-bard camouflazed as a young woman with strange alchemy that is called plastic surgery.this lich prefered young boys under 25)

Verified Non Virgins

Vile New Vehicles

Viciously Noisy Violence

Vaginal Neurotic Vibrators

Victimised Nerdy Voyager

Vulcan Naughty Videos

Vinegards Notoriously Vindicated

Visionaries Not Vampires

Virtual Nixon Vindication

Violin Nabbing Vines

Varigated Nymph Violets

Vengence Not Victory

Βλαμμένες Νιαουρίζουσες Βαβουροπατάτες (the crazy Greeks use B for V – as you can see in Greece)

Kill Mother Fucking Depesch Mode



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